Quitting."Įcho Import/Export switch Invalid! Stopping Script.Įcho History switch Invalid! Stopping Script. If not defined gamename call :Error "Mode set, but no gamename passed. If not defined gamename call :Error "Mode set, but no emulator path passed. Continuing with set default settings process.Įcho def tag passed - grabbing settings and writing to default.

Set /p emupath=Enter the path the mednafen.exe here:Įcho Correct path. ::Remove the elevation tag and set the correct working directoryĮcho Assuming you wish to set present psxfin settings as the default settings. ::Create and run the vb script to elevate the batch fileĮCHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs"ĮCHO UAC.ShellExecute "cmd", "/c ""!batchPath! !batchArgs!""", "", "runas", 1 > "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" IF '%1'='' ( GOTO EndArgLoop ) else ( GOTO AddArg ) ::Add quotes to the arguments, if needed. IF '%0'='!script!' ( GOTO PathQuotesDone ) ::Add quotes to the batch path, if needed Detecting permissions.Įcho SUCCESS: Administrative permissions confirmed.Įcho ERROR: Script does not have admin status. :: "C:\.\EmVoy_Dolphin.bat" def "C:\Emulators\Gamecube\Dolphin\"Įcho Administrative permissions required. :: To save a folder called 'default' for base defaults for all setups: :: "C:\.\EmVoy_Dolphin.bat" imp "C:\Emulators\Gamecube\Dolphin\" "Metroid Prime 2" No :: "C:\.\EmVoy_Dolphin.bat" exp "C:\Emulators\Gamecube\Dolphin\" "Metroid Prime 2" No :: 4 - History - creates a history of settings - "Yes" or "No"(minus quotes)- Defaults to no if not passed :: 3 - Gamename - this will be the name of the folder where settings are stored - ENCLOSE IN QUOTES

#Dolphin emulator settings for star wars rogue leader full#
:: 2 - Emulator Path - full path to Emu - ENCLOSE IN QUOTES :: - If "def" passed - saves current emu settings as default settings for emu. :: 1 - Import or Export - = grab or populate settings from/to emulator. :: Command Line Parameters - MUST BE PASSED IN THIS ORDER :: ALSO: Sets up Dolphin for individual user settings :: Run util without parameters to grab current emu settings and save as default profile :: Run util with parameters for game specific operation :: Designed to be used with EmVoy utility but can be stand alone :: Dolphin Settings Importer/Exporter (Gamecube/Wii) Setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansionĮcho = The advice around right-click game is OK for a lot of settings, but doesn't save GPU/Controller setups -per-game. Recently been setting up Dolphin for per-game settings.